Line:267: $variables['classes_array'][] = 'i18n-' . $language->language;
You can create your own small module mysmallmodule.module and put this in it:
* Implements hook_preprocess_html().
function mysmallmodule_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
global $language;
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'lang-' . $language->language;
Which wont get rid of the i18n class but will just add your own version :)
EDIT: Step by step to create a small custom module.
- Create a new folder in the sites/all/modules folder called custom, in here you can keep any custom modules you may need.
- Create another folder in the custom folder and call it something suitable like customclasses.
- In the customclasses folder create two files, customclasses.module and
- In the customclasses.module file paste the code above but call it "function customclasses_preprocess_html" instead of "mysmallmodule".
In the file paste
name = Custom Classes
package = Custom Stuff
description = Custom class to get "lang-" in the body class.
core = 7.x
Finally, go to the modules page and enable your first custom module.