I am trying to use Rules to send an email with the results of the submission of a node. Is there any way to place the entire contents of the node using a token?

e.g. [node:teaser]

1 Answer 1


Look at the Advanced Entity Tokens module.

Advanced Entity Tokens (AET) Creates a Token for each of your entity items.

Through AET you can query the DB for entities using Tokens.


  • [aet:node:1] will return the 1st node with the token view mode (or full if token is not available).
  • [aet:file:1:view-original] will return the 1st file entity with the original view mode.
  • [aet:taxonomy_term:1:name] will return the 1st node title field (note that this level of chaining is done by the formal token implementation of the node entity in token/token.tokens.inc -> token_token_info()).

Real World Examples

  • Displaying a node inside a block: This could be done using Node Block OR you could insert a token inside a block you create through the Blocks interface that retrieves a certain node (or a property inside a node, [aet:node:] or [aet:node::body]) with no extra code.
  • Displaying a File Entity (image) inside a title field: I'm not sure how this could have been done without custom code, BUT with AET you could easily insert the Token for a specific File Entity ([aet:file:]) and your entity will be displayed. AET defaults to the Token view mode if available (full otherwise), but you could just as easily specify a view mode of your own ([aet:file::view-teaser]).
  • I'm saving this spot for real life examples other Drupal users had (or thought of having) for this module.

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