I have a maybe rather silly question. I have a test website and a live website (both Drupal 7)
In the test website I have setup translations for my main-menu using the module "Menu Translation" (it is a sub-module of i18n) and at mydomain.com/admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu I see a third column with the option to "translate" the menu options in the first column.
At my live website I want to do the same, but can't figure out what setting I have to change in order to get these " translate" links appear in the same page?
The settings in the testwebsite are done more than half a year ago and I cant remember how I did that. The Multilangual option -> Translate and Localize is set for the main-menu on both sites.
This is what my live website looks like [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/p0L2y.jpg This is what my test website looks like [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/1BvNz.jpg
I assume that this has nothing to do with the "reset" link? (no idea what the purpose of that link is)