Here's the final solution to pull the data from {file_managed} and another field to be returned as json based on GET parameter nid.
// only take action on GET parameters
if ( !empty($_GET) ) {
// escape and map GET parameters
$post = array_map('mysql_escape_string', $_GET);
$nid = $post['nid'];
// we have a numerical nid
if ( is_numeric($nid) && !empty($nid) ) {
// switch to drupal root, as relative to our module path
// define root dir
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
// load drupal db layer
require_once './includes/';
// regardless of is audio data found, we return the edit path of the node
$temp = new stdClass();
$temp->path = "node/$nid/edit/";
$temp->nid = $nid;
// grab audio urls and slot states
$params = array(':nid' => $nid);
$sql = "SELECT f.filename,
fss.field_slot_state_value state
FROM field_revision_field_related_audio AS fra
INNER JOIN field_revision_field_audio_file AS faf
ON faf.entity_id = fra.field_related_audio_value
INNER JOIN file_managed f
ON faf.field_audio_file_fid = f.fid
INNER JOIN field_revision_field_slot_state fss
ON fss.entity_id = fra.entity_id
JOIN node n
ON (fra.revision_id = n.vid AND fss.revision_id = n.vid)
WHERE n.nid = :nid
AND fra.entity_type = 'node'";
$results = db_query($sql, $params);
// if we have results, display them in json format
if (!empty($results)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($results AS $result) {
// add the state just once, as it's the same for each file
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$temp->state = $result->state;
// add all audios related to production
$temp->audio->{$i++} = $result->uri;
// encode to json and spit out
$json = json_encode($temp);
print $json;