In my code I am inserting a new value into the database directly using db_insert (i.e. inserting an entirely new row). The type of field, however, already exists in Drupal which is called "field_data_field_email_address". Previous to the insert call no value existed in the database which is associated with an entity.
Later in code I am relying on entity_metadata_wrapper to retrieve the values associated with the entity. The problem is that the wrapper doesn't retrieve the most recently inserted value but instead returns nothing. Yet when I look in the database table I can clearly see the existence of the newly inserted value.
As you may have already guessed I narrowed the issue down to a caching issue because if I clear the Drupal cache the wrapper returns the newly created value just fine.
My question is this: How can I force the entity_metadata_wrapper call to not retrieve the cached version but refresh and return to me the actual current values that exist in the database. I need my wrapper to represent the freshest data and not the cached version.
Thank you in advance!