What I'd like to do is have the exact same page as /user/password (when not logged in) that the 'Administrator' Role could use and send out emails to existing users.

However when logged in you get a 'Password reset instructions will be mailed to' message. I've had a hunt for a module or how to do it programmatically but can't find a solution.

Many Thanks

2 Answers 2


Think you'd need to do it with Views Bulk Operations and Views.

Create a View (only accessible by the Admin role) which lists all the users, add VBO and I think reset password is included as one of the actions.

  • Thanks for this. It's not quite the answer. I should work with module Login One Time . However I can't get it to work for me :/
    – Deejay
    Nov 13, 2014 at 11:28

The full answer . Thanks to @colin_shipton

is I used Login One Time, Views Bulk Operations and Views.

I had an issue getting Login One Time to work but the issue was actually with permissions not saving ( php.ini setting on local ) . So once you've checked your permissions for Login One Time & Views Bulk Operations everything should be fine.

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