This relates to a post I made here How do I copy a "purchase limit" field from a product to a product line item
Situation: We are building a commerce website using Drupal 7 and Drupal Commerce for a government agency that distributes free publications
They have a limit on the number of free items that can be ordered at once, (unless the person ordering has a good reason.)
We have a field called copy limit on our product entities.
If the user enters a quantity on the” add to cart “for that exceeds the copy limit, we want the order to go into a holding area after the order is completed for further review.
Our plan is to use a taxonomy term to do this. We have a vocabulary called "Is this a bulk order?" It has two terms, yes and no.
We want to have it so if the quantity in one of the line items in a customer's order exceeds the copy limit, the term reference field for the "Is this a bulk order" vocabulary is set to yes.
Also (I'm not sure if this belongs here but....)
In a related question, we are trying to get the user fill out a field if the copy limit is exceeded explaining why they need to exceed the limit. We have a field on the order called "Bulk Order Explanation"
Right now, I have rule that after saving a new line item, and the quantity exceeds the copy limit, the user is brought to a add content page for a content type I called "Bulk Order Explanation"
What we want to happen is that after they save the "Bulk Order Explanation" node, the body of the content type is used to populate the bulk order explanation field.
I am not even sure if I am headed in the right direction on either of these things. Thanks for any insight you can provide!