We want to only apply sales tax on orders shipped to a particular State. I tried to cobble together the following rule from the included 'Price Component' and it seems to apply tax on shipping for -all- orders, regardless of the address component.
Can someone look at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
{ "rules_apply_taxes_to_shipping" : {
"LABEL" : "Apply Taxes to Shipping",
"PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
"OWNER" : "rules",
"REQUIRES" : [ "commerce_order", "commerce_tax", "commerce_shipping" ],
"ON" : { "commerce_shipping_calculate_rate" : [] },
"IF" : [
{ "commerce_order_compare_address" : {
"commerce_order" : [ "commerce-line-item:order" ],
"address_field" : "commerce_customer_shipping|commerce_customer_address",
"address_component" : "administrative_area",
"value" : "WA"
"DO" : [
{ "commerce_tax_calculate_by_type" : {
"commerce_line_item" : [ "commerce_line_item" ],
"tax_type_name" : "sales_tax"
Here is the Rules Evaluation Log. Apparently the rule isn't even firing. How do I figure -that- out?
0 ms Reacting on event Calculating the sell price of a product.
3.479 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Calculate taxes: VAT. [edit]
3.489 ms AND evaluated to TRUE.
0 ms Rule Calculate taxes: VAT fires.
0.138 ms Evaluating the action commerce_tax_calculate_by_type. [edit]
4.267 ms Rule Calculate taxes: VAT has fired.
7.837 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Calculate Bundle Product Price. [edit]
7.845 ms AND evaluated to TRUE.
0 ms Rule Calculate Bundle Product Price fires.
0.093 ms Evaluating the action commerce_product_bundle_calculate_price. [edit]
4.688 ms Rule Calculate Bundle Product Price has fired.
12.594 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Quote Required. [edit]
12.609 ms AND evaluated to TRUE.
0 ms Rule Quote Required fires.
0.012 ms Rule Quote Required has fired.
12.692 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Calculate taxes: Sales tax. [edit]
12.699 ms AND evaluated to TRUE.
0 ms Rule Calculate taxes: Sales tax fires.
0.111 ms Evaluating the action commerce_tax_calculate_by_type. [edit]
0 ms Executing rule Calculate Sample Michigan Sales Tax 6%.
0.169 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Calculate Sample Michigan Sales Tax 6%. [edit]
2.254 ms The condition commerce_order_compare_address evaluated to TRUE [edit]
2.263 ms AND evaluated to TRUE.
0 ms Rule Calculate Sample Michigan Sales Tax 6% fires.
0.089 ms Evaluating the action commerce_tax_rate_apply. [edit]
0.571 ms Added the provided variable applied_tax of type commerce_price [edit]
0.6 ms Rule Calculate Sample Michigan Sales Tax 6% has fired.
2.905 ms Finished executing of rule Calculate Sample Michigan Sales Tax 6%.
5.114 ms Rule Calculate taxes: Sales tax has fired.
17.894 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Unset the price of disabled products in the cart. [edit]
18.145 ms The condition data_is_empty evaluated to FALSE [edit]
18.334 ms The condition entity_has_field evaluated to TRUE [edit]
19.067 ms The condition data_is evaluated to FALSE [edit]
19.076 ms AND evaluated to FALSE.
19.102 ms Evaluating conditions of rule Quote Required. [edit]
19.195 ms The condition data_is_empty evaluated to FALSE [edit]
19.296 ms The condition entity_has_field evaluated to TRUE [edit]
19.708 ms The condition data_is evaluated to FALSE [edit]
19.716 ms AND evaluated to FALSE.
19.737 ms Finished reacting on event Calculating the sell price of a product.