Well as no one responded, I searched a bit and found a normal PHP function to achieve the same. I know it may not be a Drupal way, but its for them who are looking for a quick solution for now (like me). But would like to add that other answers to achieve this the specially the Drupal way is very much welcome. Also please note, I almost copy pasted the actual function, so you probably may want to modify that as per your UI (for actual function I have given the reference below) :
// This is the menu callback where $data are the records fetched to be displayed in this page, and $total_count is the total number of count of all the records.
$pager = pagination($current_page, $total_count, $record_limit, 2, "url-menu-page?page=%d");
$return_val = theme('my_callback_function', array('data' => $data, 'pager' => $pager));
return $return_val;
And here goes the actual pagination building function :
* Displays pagination links based on given parameters
* @param int $currentPage - current page
* @param int $itemCount - number of items to paginate, used to calculate total number of pages
* @param int $itemsPerPage - number of items per page, used to calculate total number of pages
* @param int $adjacentCount - half the number of page links displayed adjacent to the current page
* @param (string|callable) $pageLinkTemplate - pagination URL string containing %d placeholder or a callable function that accepts page number and returns page URL
* @param boolean $showPrevNext - whether to show previous and next page links
* @return void
function pagination($currentPage, $itemCount, $itemsPerPage, $adjacentCount, $pageLinkTemplate, $showPrevNext = true) {
$pager = '';
$firstPage = 1;
$lastPage = ceil($itemCount / $itemsPerPage);
if ($lastPage == 1) {
if ($currentPage <= $adjacentCount + $adjacentCount) {
$firstAdjacentPage = $firstPage;
$lastAdjacentPage = min($firstPage + $adjacentCount + $adjacentCount, $lastPage);
} elseif ($currentPage > $lastPage - $adjacentCount - $adjacentCount) {
$lastAdjacentPage = $lastPage;
$firstAdjacentPage = $lastPage - $adjacentCount - $adjacentCount;
} else {
$firstAdjacentPage = $currentPage - $adjacentCount;
$lastAdjacentPage = $currentPage + $adjacentCount;
$pager = '<div class="pagination-hld"><h2 class="element-invisible">Pages</h2><div class="item-list"><ul class="pager">';
if ($currentPage != $firstPage) {
$pager .= '<li class="pager-first first"><a href="' . (is_callable($pageLinkTemplate) ? $pageLinkTemplate($firstPage) : sprintf($pageLinkTemplate, $firstPage)) . '">« first</a></li>';
if ($showPrevNext) {
if ($currentPage == $firstPage) {
//$pager .= '<li title="Go to first page" class="pager-first first">< previous</li>';
} else {
$pager .= '<li title="Go to previous page" class="pager-previous"><a title="Go to previous page" href="' . (is_callable($pageLinkTemplate) ? $pageLinkTemplate($currentPage - 1) : sprintf($pageLinkTemplate, $currentPage - 1)) . '">‹ previous</a></li>';
if ($firstAdjacentPage > $firstPage) {
if ($firstAdjacentPage > $firstPage + 1) {
$pager .= '<span>...</span>';
for ($i = $firstAdjacentPage; $i <= $lastAdjacentPage; $i++) {
if ($currentPage == $i) {
$pager .= '<li class="pager-current">' . $i . '</li>';
} else {
$pager .= '<li class="pager-item"><a title="Go to page '.$i.'" href="' . (is_callable($pageLinkTemplate) ? $pageLinkTemplate($i) : sprintf($pageLinkTemplate, $i)) . '">' . $i . '</a></li>';
//$pager .= "<li class='pager-item'><a title=\"Go to page $i\" href=\"' . (is_callable($pageLinkTemplate) ? $pageLinkTemplate($i) : sprintf($pageLinkTemplate, $i)) . '\">$i</a></li>\r\n";
if ($lastAdjacentPage < $lastPage) {
if ($lastAdjacentPage < $lastPage - 1) {
$pager .= '<span>...</span>';
if ($showPrevNext) {
if ($currentPage == $lastPage) {
//$pager .= '<li class="pager-next"><span>next ></span></li>';
} else {
$pager .= '<li class="pager-next"><a href="' . (is_callable($pageLinkTemplate) ? $pageLinkTemplate($currentPage + 1) : sprintf($pageLinkTemplate, $currentPage + 1)) . '">next ›</a></li>';
if ($currentPage != $lastPage) {
$pager .= '<li class="pager-last last"><a href="' . (is_callable($pageLinkTemplate) ? $pageLinkTemplate($lastPage) : sprintf($pageLinkTemplate, $lastPage)) . '">last »</a></li>';
$pager .= '</ul></div></div>';
return $pager;
Hope this helps somebody...
Original code credit goes to the author of this blog : http://salman-w.blogspot.in/2014/04/stackoverflow-like-pagination.html