I hove a content type that editors can 'attach' related nodes to.

When I 'theme' / 'style' nodes of this content type through view mode everything is basically fine: the related nodes are rendered as teasers and I can style them as I like.

Now I need to wrap the list of related nodes in an extra class e.g. 'related-nodes' according to the output of another field. For example the editor chooses 'round corners' from a list field, then the css class "rounded" should be added to the wrapper of the list of related nodes should.

I am aware I can remove the entity reference field from the display settings and preprocess it through template.php. But then how do I preprocess the list in template.php? So far I just don't know how to actually access / handle it.

In devel tab I do get the array of related items. I could of course loop through that array and re-build node by node thruogh node_load – but since I only want to wrap that loop re-rendering each node feels wrong. Any suggestions?

  • Fences may be able to help with that
    – Clive
    Commented May 7, 2015 at 11:43
  • Thank you! But I actually need to add classes according to conditions previously read from another field… Commented May 7, 2015 at 11:48
  • Ah ok - a quite straightforward option would be to implement hook_node_view() in a custom module and add a #prefix and #suffix to the field element (prefix of <div class="foo">, suffix of </div>)
    – Clive
    Commented May 7, 2015 at 11:49

1 Answer 1


As per @Clive comment, Fences module may be able to help with that.

A quite straightforward option would be to implement hook_node_view() in a custom module and add a #prefix and #suffix to the field element (prefix of <div class="foo">, suffix of </div>)

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