I have a drupal site that holds thousands of client details. What I want to do is to create an emailer to send out campaigns to the clients.

So far I have a view set up to filter clients by company and using Views Send I can send all selected an email.

What I would like to do is to send a file in the email. Either that or be able to paste the data from the file into the email. The file is stored in my drupal site within a content type.

Does anyone know how I would be able to do this? To be able to select from a list which file to send in the e-mail message body?

1 Answer 1


take a look at the Entity Email Module:

The Entity Email module lets users create their own email templates which can be used to send emails. Emails sent can also be recorded in the DB if needed. Emails can be sent programmatically or by the mean of the Rules module.

Main features:

Built on top of the amazing entity API

Allow token substitution

Templates can also contain attachments (PDF, TXT...)

Rules module support, so email actions can be triggered by any Rules

Supports the MimeMail module for HTML emails.

Build with the fields API Emails sent> can be recorded in DB

I don't know that it will integrate with Views on it's own, but you may be able to manually make it work the way you want.

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