I'm working on my first module, in this module I want to show a pager to two similar nodes. (Yes I know there are modules for this but it's more complex then the above but I kept it simple to make my question more clear). I'm completely new to making modules and the way de db_select works so I need some help with keeping my code clean and simple.
I have three tables I need information from.
- Table 1: node
- Table 2: field_data_field_issue (referenced node)
- Table 3: field_data_field_order (order of nodes field)
First I need to get the current node id. For this I use the following code:
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
// Get the nid
$nid = arg(1);
Now I need to find the nid of the node the current node refers to. I have to do this in Table 2. So I use this query:
$subquery = db_select('field_data_field_issue', 'i');
->fields('i', array('field_ref_nid'))
->condition('entity_id', $nid)
return $subquery;
Third I need to find all nodes that have the same referenced node and order them by nid and order. So I'm going for a query with join:
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->join("field_data_field_issue", "i", "n.nid = i.entity_id");
$query->join("field_data_field_order", "o", "n.nid = o.entity_id");
->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'))
->fields('o', array('field_order_value'))
->fields('i', array('field_issue_value'))
->condition('field_issue_value', $resultsubquery) //I don't know how to get the result in here?
->orderBy('nid') //First order by nid
->orderBy('field_order_value') //Then order by order
return $query;
This is what I have till now. Things I didn't figure out yet and where I could use some help with are.
- How to get the result of $subquery in $query.
- Is this the way to do it? Is this clean enough and am I missing out on something?
- I need the two nodes next to the current node. So if the ordering is (nid): 3,2,4,5,1,6,8,9 and I'm currently at node 1 I want to output node 5 and 6.
Thanks in advance!