I need to set a special path alias for nodes created by users in the template.php file of my theme. the pathauto module is enabled. I already tried the solutions that are given in the following links

  1. Create path alias programatically when node is created
  2. How To Set Node Path/Alias Programatically
  3. Programmatically set path alias

But none of them worked. Here is a few codes I tried but I failed.

function THEME_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3=NULL, $a4=NULL){
    if($node->type == "image"){
        switch ($op){
            case "insert":
                $default_node_path = 'node/'.$node->nid;
                $alternate_url = "SOME SPECIAL PATH";
                path_set_alias($default_node_path, $alternate_url, 0, '');

or this one

function THEME_insert($node){
    $path = "SOME SPECIAL PATH";
    $node->path = array('alias' => $path, 'pathauto' => FALSE);

function THEME_node_insert($node){
    $path = "SOME SPECIAL PATH";
    $node->path = array('alias' => $path, 'pathauto' => FALSE);


function THEME_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3=NULL, $a4=NULL){
    if($node->type == "image"){
        switch ($op){
            case "insert":
                $node->path = t("SOME SPECIAL PATH");

How can I do set path alias programmatically ?


I tried this code that recommended by @Ajit S and it didn't work again

    function THEME_node_insert($node){
        $alias = "arar/".$node->nid;
        $lang_code = "en";
        $path = array(
          'source' => "node/{$node->nid}",
          'alias' => $alias,  // Any alias that you want to set.
          'language' => $lang_code,  // Optional, if you are working on a multilingual site.

4 Answers 4


Use hook_insert

 * Implements hook_insert().
function mymodule_insert($node) {
    // Set the URL alias
    if (empty($node->path['alias'])) {
        $node->path['alias'] = 'slug/' . $node->nid;

if url has no alias then we can create it

if( urlAlias == '' )
path_set_alias($default_node_path, $alternate_url, 0, '');
  • hook_insert() is for modules implementing a content type.
    – avpaderno
    Commented May 9, 2016 at 13:04
  • hook_insert() is for any module that wants to chip in when content is being saved. The example given for this is when adding a new content type that needs handling in the save process, but that is not the only use for the hook. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 14:55

Path alias could be set using the path module in the core. Just call path_save the following from a function (or hook) of your choice. In your case I'd recommend you to implement the following code in hook_node_insert, because it is called after a node has been saved, and the node will have a valid nid.

// Assuming you have a $node object already.
$path = array(
  'source' => "node/{$node->nid}",
  'alias' => $alias,  // Any alias that you want to set.
  'language' => $lang_code,  // Optional, if you are working on a multilingual site.

If you have global redirect set, the node page will be redirected to the alias.

  • I tried your code in hook_node_insert but it didn't work!
    – M a m a D
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 7:16
  • Did you edit the node and check if the alias was set? Also, it would be good if you could verify if the entry was made in the url_alias table in the database.
    – AjitS
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 7:27
  • No I just created a new node and checked the url via browser
    – M a m a D
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 7:36
  • Can you check by editing the node to make sure if the alias is set. Also, install globalredirect and try again.
    – AjitS
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 7:54
  • 2
    Just to clarify: you can't implement node CRUD hooks in a theme @Drupalist
    – Clive
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 9:49

None of the hook_nodeapi implementations will work, that hook was removed in Drupal 7.

Your other attempts are failing because you're trying to implement the hooks in a theme - themes can implement theme hooks, hook_theme, and alter hooks only.

Move your code to a module, and you'll have better luck.


I know this is an old post, but I just discovered a great way to do this for a Drupal 7 site:

  1. In hook_node_presave, set $node->path['pathauto'] equal to 0 if $node->original is not yet set (that is, if this is a node insert and not a node update). This prevents an automatic alias from being applied if one normally would.
  2. In hook_node_insert', create the new path usingpath_saveand make sure the source isnode/nid`.

Here is an example for a custom module called mymodule assuming you want this for all new mytype nodes with a 'my_fieldvalue not equal to1, and that you want to customize the alias asmycustomalias/my_field/nid`:

function mymodule_node_presave($node) {
  // Add any conditions that determine whether this node needs a custom alias.
  if (
    $node->type == 'mytype' &&
    !isset($node->original) &&
    isset($node->field_my_field['und'][0]['value']) &&
    $node->field_my_field['und'][0]['value'] != 1
  ) {
    $node->path['pathauto'] == 0;

function mymodule_node_insert($node) {
  // Add the same conditions as you had in mymodule_node_presave, except you don't need to check for $node->original.
  if (
    $node->type == 'mytype' &&
    isset($node->field_my_field['und'][0]['value']) &&
    $node->field_my_field['und'][0]['value'] != 1
  ) {
    // Create a $new_path array that contains the source of your node and the custom alias you want.
    $new_path = [
      'source' => 'node/' . $node->nid,
      'alias' => 'mycustomalias/' . $node->field_my_field['und'][0]['value'] . '/' . $node->nid],
    // Save the path. By using the variable above rather than putting the array into the function call, you avoid PHP errors.

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