I have taken a clone of my site, downloaded the files folder and the database to my local system.
I am using Xampp server in my local system and I have kept the site image ‘files’ folder in the sites/default/files directory.
The problem is that in my local system 30% of the images are not displaying in the local site. The images are available in the files/images folder, but in local site the images are not showing.
I tried all the process and i also updated the base url in my setting.php file but the issue is not yet fixed.
According to my understanding the issue is related to the image path. In site those images we are calling through css is not taking the site base url. For example:
Current path: http://www.localhost/sites/default/files/images/mobile-block-img-new.png
Correct path: http://www.localhost/repliconwebsite/sites/default/files/images/mobile-block-img-new.png
Please suggest if you get the solution.