I've created a view with Views Isotope and Views Load More contributed modules.
The objective is to have a Isitope grid that we can zoom in/out on items.
After long time to get it working I got a strange bug:
- When I load the page it works fine.
- When I click on load more first time the grid breaks.
- When I click on load more second time the grid works fine.
- When I click on load more third time the grid breaks.
- And so on...
See it working here.
This is my javascript:
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.skeletonthemeCustomBehavior = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
// $grid.isotope('destroy');
var $grid = $('#isotope-container').isotope();
masonry: {
columnWidth: 10
$grid.on( 'click', '.isotope-element', function() {
if ($( this ).hasClass( 'gigante' )) {
$( this ).toggleClass('gigante');
} else {
// change size of item by toggling gigante class
$( '.isotope-element' ).removeClass( 'gigante' );
$( this ).toggleClass('gigante');
$('#destroy').bind( 'click' ,function(e) {
$grid.isotope( 'destroy' );
$('.relayout').bind( 'click' ,function(e) {
var $grid = $('#isotope-container').isotope();
masonry: {
columnWidth: 10
$( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {
var $grid = $('#isotope-container').isotope();
masonry: {
columnWidth: 10