I've installed Drupal 6\7\8 in WAMP environments for about a hundred times, but I don't recall ever having the following instllation error, which I encountered only in Ubuntu desktop 15.10, Apache2 (2.4.12), Drupal 8:
The Settings file does not exist.
The Drupal installer requires that you create a ./sites/default/settings.php as part of the installation process. Copy the ./sites/default/default.settings.php file to ./sites/default/settings.php. More details about installing Drupal are available in INSTALL.txt.
As the error suggest, I've tried to create it myself from the default.settings.php as the install error suggests and there was no change. I could surly import it from another Drupal 8 site in my WAMP environment, but I would thank any Drupal developer who would shed some light on why this would even happen?
Maybe it happened due to the fact that in the first time there was an install attempt, the folders permissions were not 777 (now they are - changed recursively for the site's folder only and at least temporarily).
Will thank you for your help,