I'm having a super fish menu wih three layers of menu points but my second layer links do not seem to be expanding even tho "Show as expanded" is checked for the individual menu points (2nd level) that is selected as "Parent item" for the 3rd level page.
Some links:
menu point with submenus: http://www.lslib.ca/content/skwlax-daycare
Third level page(hidden from the menu): http://www.lslib.ca/content/admin
How can I get the third level to display?
I don't exaxctly know how Superfish binds into the configration either.
Maybe a link to the page would help: http://www.lslib.ca/
Under Blocks, I only see Content assigned to a Region. I'm officially confused here... :o
The name of the theme is Nexus Theme
, under admin/appearance
it says: Nexus Theme is a premium Drupal 7 theme. Developed by Devsaran.com.
In page.tpl.php
I have the following:
<nav id="navigation" role="navigation">
<div id="main-menu">
if (module_exists('i18n_menu')) {
$main_menu_tree = i18n_menu_translated_tree(variable_get('menu_main_links_source', 'main-menu'));
} else {
$main_menu_tree = menu_tree(variable_get('menu_main_links_source', 'main-menu'));
print drupal_render($main_menu_tree);
Departments » Skwlax Daycare » Admin