Like the @zhilevan told you can use hook_form_alter for placeholder and for str_replace
you can implement hook_template_preprocess
Here is an example.
function my_module_preprocess_webform_confirmation(&$vars) {
$confirmation = check_markup($vars['node']->webform['confirmation'], $vars['node']->webform['confirmation_format'], '', TRUE);
module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');
$submission = webform_get_submission($vars['node']->nid, $vars['sid']);
$confirmation = _webform_filter_values($confirmation, $vars['node'], $submission, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
// Strip out empty tags added by WYSIWYG editors if needed.
$vars['confirmation_message'] = strlen(trim(strip_tags($confirmation))) ? $confirmation : '';
Source Webform Token support on confirmation message.
you can also take a look on tpl file option.
Here webform-confirmation.tpl.php