There are two level of caching in Drupal.
1.) Dynamic Page Cache
You have to provide the correct cache metadata on the json response.
For example use the cache properties from a config or content entity
or build a cacheable metadata object and add this to the response:
$build = [
'#cache' => [
'contexts' => ['url.query_args'],
'tags' => ['node:1', 'node_list'],
'max-age' => 300,
$cache_metadata = \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build);
You can use this in a custom controller or implement this in an event subscriber to alter responses from other modules (core or contrib).
2.) Internal Page Cache
The module Internal Page Cache caches all responses for anonymous requests regardless of the cache metadata. You can uninstall this module to disable this cache.
Alternative solution
On the client side append a different query string on every request to get a fresh response:
This will disable the Internal Page Cache and parts of the Dynamic Page Cache.