I have a fairly straightforward view. Ie. Display nodes that are published & of content type X. Then sort by date.

It does however, have a relationship to a Vocabulary so that I can get access to the taxonomy image to display.

The result is a view that displays duplicate nodes if there is more than one taxonomy term of that vocab tagged on it.

How can I remove these duplicates?

I've tried the Query settings Distinct/Pure Distinct to no avail.

I'm also looking at this, but I'm hoping for a different solution. Views relationship outputting duplicate nodes?

Update I had seen the Views distinct module (suggested in an answer now) and should have added it to the possible solutions. I'm still hoping for a "I just didn't know how to configure the view properly" kind of solution, as it feels like there must be a way to do this in Views instead of adding another module.

1 Answer 1



use this module and configure the settings in the view Field. enter image description here

This will remove those duplicates from your view. do this for the duplicated field items.

  • Oh right. I had seen this and should have added it to the possible solutions. I'm still hoping for a "I just didn't know how to configure the view properly" kind of solution, as it feels like there must be a way to do this in views instead of adding another module. But I'll do this for now, as it seems like the best option I can find. Thanks.
    – brian
    Commented Dec 15, 2016 at 20:50
  • 1
    we all had this issue.That's why Drupal View_Distinct module came in. the module description says it all. cheers!
    – danuddara
    Commented Dec 15, 2016 at 20:56
  • ahh. Hadn't read that. In good company I guess. :)
    – brian
    Commented Dec 15, 2016 at 21:22

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