I have a view called customfeedview showing contents of a content type viz. customfeeds. View Setting are given in the picture below: View Settings I created views-view--customfeedview.html.twig to customize the view. Code of the file is given here under.

        <div class="box prog">
            <div class="col-md-3"><img src="{{directory}}/images/2000px-Lotus_position.svg.png" ></div>
            <div class="col-md-9">
                    <h3><b>{{ fields.title.content }} </b></h3>
                        <p>{{ fields.body.content }} </p>

But {{ fields.body.content }} & {{ fields.title.content }} does not render title and body of the contents of type customfeed.

Please help me in this issue as I am totally a beginner in drupal 8. Thank you...

N.B.: Here I am using show-type content instead of fields as only show-type content only give read-more option in the view page. Using show-type fields {{ fields.body.content }} is working fine but whenever I changed it to content {{ fields.body.content }} is not rendering the values.

  • Educated guess, when using Show: Content, try {{ content.body }}
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Aug 9, 2017 at 23:39

1 Answer 1


You can call the node field in the view template


This will print the html tags as well, If the node field has the html structure.

node.field_(your-field).value | raw (or) node.field_(your-field).value |render|striptags

This will clean the html structure and useful to print the node value inside the view.template

NOTE: using node. instead of content. , because content. will be used only the node.html.twig


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