I have entity reference autocomplete field (which is term reference field )
users are not allowed to create new terms while node creation.
The validation error shows like below on form submit :
There are no entities matching "newterm".
I need to override this message with something like "No new terms are allowed please select from existing terms"
When I tried to find code from where it is working it looks from this :
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Element/EntityAutocomplete.php and function where message is there : https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21lib%21Drupal%21Core%21Entity%21Element%21EntityAutocomplete.php/function/EntityAutocomplete%3A%3AmatchEntityByTitle/8.0.x
Please suggest how I can override this. I tried searching lot but was not able to find right direction and have tried overriding status message as well but sure how to proceed with this.