I have a very large taxonomy vocabulary with numeric taxonomy term names like: 10123,10124,10125,... etc. My node have a min value field and max value field. Both fields are taxonomy referenced fields with this vocabulary. How I can create views filter to find a nodes, where exposed filter value is between these two fields?
Example 1.
- Node field min: Taxonomy term with name "10500"
- Node field max:Taxonomy term with name "11000"
- Exposed filter value: 10800
This is TRUE, so this node must be in views result.
Example 1.
- Node field min: Taxonomy term with name "10500"
- Node field max: Taxonomy term with name "11000"
- Exposed filter value: 11500
This is FALSE, so this node should not be in views result.
Exposed filter value can be as taxonomy term autocomplete widget.
Any ideas, how it can realize?
I'm looking a solution in _views_query_alter, but I still can not understand is this right way?..