I'm using "views datasource" to output a view as JSON - for each views row it's creating a JSON object with the fields as string/value pairs - all those objects are in an array which is the value to a string specified by the "Root object name" in the view's format settings. It looks like this:


Now I need to add another string/value pair to the main JSON object so it looks like this:


In another question I found out how I could add elements to the view's results but now I need to add elements "next to" the view's results. I just don't know where I need to put my code. Can anyone point me to a hook that would do the trick?

  • If I understand correctly, you just have to use the same hook as in the other post, but just cange the structure of the new result array. I didn't test this, but chances are good that adding a new element to the $view->result object won't do any harm.
    – Countzero
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 14:28
  • It won't do any harm but it won't solve my problem either :) Everything I do to $view->result only affects the JSON array that is the value for "nodes" but instead I want to add a new string/value pair at the same level as "nodes" Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 15:04
  • So then you could implement something in the view template for the JSON display, but I don't know if there's one. The correct file to modify seems to be views-views-json-style-simple.tpl.php.
    – Countzero
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 15:19
  • Great...that's exactly the right place! You might want to post that as an answer :) Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 15:34
  • Done. See answer below.
    – Countzero
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 17:41

1 Answer 1


You could implement something in the view template for the JSON display.

The correct file to modify seems to be views-views-json-style-simple.tpl.php.

You have to copy it to your theme's template folder (usually template's root directory, or template subdirectory) and add the necessary data to the $json variable before the correct print $json statement.

  • 2
    Thank you very much! I ended up doing the changes in the preprocess function for that template file since I want to have this in a module and not a theme. The function is modulename_preprocess_views_views_json_style_simple(&$vars) Commented Mar 30, 2012 at 8:05
  • Glad you managed to make it work, and took time to complete the information. Have a nice day.
    – Countzero
    Commented Mar 30, 2012 at 8:11
  • Great solution !! for people interested, on modulename_preprocess_views_views_json_style_simple(&$vars) alter the key $vars['rows'], i'm using this with a search api view for adding facets filters
    – ropic
    Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 18:03

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