Attempting to do a join with a LIKE operand in a Views filter plugin. The query looks similar to below; however, when it executes, the LIKE operand is not taken into account and the join is done with '='. Is there a way to do this type of join?
$configuration = [
'type' => 'INNER',
'table' => 'path_alias',
'field' => 'CONCAT(\'%\', path_alias.path)',
'left_table' => 'redirect',
'left_field' => 'redirect_redirect__uri',
'operator' => 'LIKE',];
$join = Views::pluginManager('join')->createInstance('standard', $configuration);
$this->query->addRelationship('path', $join, 'path_alias');
This is the query we are trying to execute:
FROM redirect AS redirect
INNER JOIN path_alias AS path ON
redirect.redirect_redirect__uri LIKE CONCAT('%', path.path);