I have been facing many issues trying to use the Spaces Dashboard module (part of the Spaces module).
I have setup a site with pressflow, OG, Context, Spaces, and Features; I got everything working well together.
I have been trying to implement the Spaces Dashboard feature, so group managers can manage their own group front page with an easy to use drag'n drop UI.
- Through context, I have been able to create a default dashboard with some enabled blocks.
- I have configured all spaces_dashboard settings and saved them in my default group space so every new group is shipped with those settings.
- I have done some workaround in my template to get the context working with my Zen subtheme (based on #26 at http://drupal.org/node/633778).
- I can now drag and drop blocks from my dashboard edition block to my theme regions.
I followed this tuto for setting up the UI (not really fully working with zen subtheme) : http://www.leveltendesign.com/answer/adding-customize-dashboard-magic-your-drupal-theme
I can currently drop blocks in ANY of the theme's regions even the disabled ones. I'm not sure of where does the problem comes from. The region settings are setup in the module config page at both site level and spaces level.
- I cannot drop blocks in empty regions. ("Empty" meaning any region on the page that does not contains any block yet.)
- If I move a block out of a region and there is no block anymore in the region I cannot move it back in the region. I'm not sure if this is a CSS, JS or module issue.
- I found that by adding div for empty regions I can get some empty regions to work, but this is just a html trick and not a solution.
<div class="region region-content-top"><div class="section ui-sortable"><a class="context-block-region" id="context-block-region-content_top">Content top</a></div></div>
- Finally, the 'save' button from the dashboard block doesn't save any modification to the dashboard in the current space nor in the global settings.