Configuration: I am using Drupal 7, search api and search api solr.
Description & problem: I am trying to use search api and solr search(as a back end) to search for nodes. I have a solr server running in localhost:8983/solr/admin/. I create a solr server inside drupal configuration, then I create a node index using this server and I index the field: title. The index runs successfully and indexes my 11 articles.
Then i create a search page using search_api_page to test out the searching functionality. Result: I get "Your search yielded no results" when searching for a word in the title of the articles (the word exists in the titles)
I am starting to become desperate here. The index is working correctly but neither through a search page nor through a view can I access the results. It says there are none :O Any ideas?
EDIT: I can query by hand, if i go to localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=spell:test then I get all the articles with the word "test" in their title. Also a ?q= will show all the indexed articles
and set the weight to each field.