I've created two taxonomy vocabs: Language and Genre. LANGUAGE consists of the following terms: English,Spanish,French,etc and GENRE consists of Rock,Pop,etc.

Am using the taxonomy term page view with exposed filters for language and genre.

When am in a page that list all songs under the term english, the filter for genre and language also appears. All good till here.

Now, If i select spanish from the filter..i want the term page to reload and show the relative results. How can i work this out???


1 Answer 1


It will be easier if you will use just one vocabulary. Smt like this:

- Rock
- Pop
- etc.
- Pop
- Rock
- etc.

Then you can use hierarchical_select module to filter exposed lists automatically.

If you can't change vocabulary structure, you should use hook_form_alter() ...

  • with my structure if i list songs with rock term all rock songs from all languages will get displayed...yeah your structure won't do but did gave me a different approach, will be helpful in some other project...Well was hoping there must be some module to magically do that...thanks
    – jack
    Commented Mar 28, 2013 at 21:19

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