I have simple question concerning enabling a custom module after having disinstalled it. The module provides a simple creation of a new content type based on node content. It implements a hook_install() function that first time i enabled the module worked perfectly. For debugging reasons i had to disable and unistall the module, then when i tried to enable again the module the system checks it as enabled but the new content type that is the result of the hook_install() function does not appear anymore.

It seems to me that when i try to re-activate the module the installation script doesn't work anymore, and this although i cleared the cache after unistallind the module the first time.

Any ideas?

Here's the install code:

function bachecanews_install() {
  $t = get_t();
  $node_bachecanews = array(
    'type' => 'node_bachecanews',
    'name' => $t('Bacheca News'),
    'base' => 'node_content',
    'description' => $t('Usa Bacheca News per inserire le notizio sul sito.'),
    'body_label' => $t('Contenuto della News')
  $content_type = node_type_set_defaults($node_bachecanews);
  $status = node_type_save($content_type);
  $t_args = array('%name' => $content_type->name);
  if ($status == SAVED_UPDATED) { // in caso di modifica
    drupal_set_message($t('Il nuovo tipo di contenuto %name è stato modificato.', $t_args));
  elseif ($status == SAVED_NEW) { // in caso di creazione
    drupal_set_message($t('Il nuovo tipo di contenuto %name è stato creato.', $t_args));
    watchdog('node', 'Creato il nuovo tipo di contenuto %name.', $t_args, WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l($t('view'), 'admin/structure/types')); 

function bachecanews_uninstall() {
  $sql = 'SELECT nid FROM {node} n WHERE n.type = :type';
  $result = db_query($sql, array(':type' => 'node_bachecanews'));
  $nids = array();
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $nids[] = $row->nid;
  • I have disabled the module and then used the uninstall tab in the modules GUI. No the module does not create any tables in the database but only sets a new node type. The install file contains also a hook_uninstall() function that deletes all references to the module including the node type just created in the node_type table and all the record of that particular node type. In fact when I disinstalled the module all was deleted fine. Now when i try to reinstall the module nothing happens... i can post the code of the install file :
    – Marco
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 15:03
  • can you post the code of the install module?
    – Aboodred1
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


I found out that you have 2 issues with your hook_install code.

  1. You're adding body field first then saving the node type. It should be the opposite.
  2. There's no such function called node_add_date_field in Drupal package, unless you've created it yourself in your custom module.

Your hook_install should be as the following code:

function bachecanews_install() {
  $t = get_t();
  $node_bachecanews = array(
    'type' => 'node_bachecanews',
    'name' => $t('Bacheca News'),
    'base' => 'node_content',
    'description' => $t('Usa Bacheca News per inserire le notizio sul sito.'),
    'body_label' => $t('Contenuto della News')
  $content_type = node_type_set_defaults($node_bachecanews);
  $status = node_type_save($content_type);
  $t_args = array('%name' => $content_type->name);
  if ($status == SAVED_UPDATED) { // in caso di modifica
    drupal_set_message($t('Il nuovo tipo di contenuto %name è stato modificato.', $t_args));
  elseif ($status == SAVED_NEW) { // in caso di creazione
    drupal_set_message($t('Il nuovo tipo di contenuto %name è stato creato.', $t_args));
    watchdog('node', 'Creato il nuovo tipo di contenuto %name.', $t_args, WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l($t('view'), 'admin/structure/types')); 

If you want to add additional field to your custom content type and this field is not body field, you use field_create_field()

As an example, you can look at standard_install().

  • 1
    Dear Aboodred1 thank you so much, it seems that the problem actually was the position of node_add_body_field(). Without your observation i guess i would have done this error endlessly since i don't remember any indication on documentation about positioning the add field function after saving the custom content type. Now i have to understand logically why has to be done this way...
    – Marco
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 23:31

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