I read everywhere that it is possible with Views 3 to display search results in a custom view by adding a contextual filter "search: term" to the view and pointing the view's path to "search/node/%". There even used to be a module that added this contextual filter to earlier Views versions: https://drupal.org/project/views_handler_argument_search
Also, see #9 here: https://drupal.org/node/266683
However, I don't have any "search" contextual filters or relations in my view. Was this feature removed again?
Edit: I don't want to search the view once I'm in the view (exposed filters would be the answer in this case). I want to use a view to display the search results of the search form that would be present anywhere on my website. Also, I want to use the indexing feature of Search module instead of using exposed filters. Unfortunately, Apache Solr is not an option.