I am a drupal newbie and am having the following problem:
In my custom content type page, I have multiple check boxes and a text area, among other fields. What I want is that, I would like the values of the checked check-boxes to be pasted inside the text area. The checkboxes are created as a multi-value field (field type = list, widget = check-box). Basically what I want is, every time the user checks/unchecks one of the checkboxes, the text area should re-populate with values of all the checkboxes that are currently selected.
I tried using the dependency fields module, but it did not solve my problem. Have anyone encountered this need before?
Based on what I read, it seems this might be possible using hook_node_presave, however I am not sure where to add this. I am using a template called norma, so I edited its template.php and added a function like so:
function norma_node_presave($node)
However, nothing has happened... :(
Any pointers on how to solve this is very much appreciated...