Media v2 is not stable right now media 1 is fairly stable and will not give you the title problems you're seeing. You also should not be using the dev version for production sites, not only are they not stable, they will not show update and updating & flushing the database can be problematic.
Uninstall v2:
Also reverting media down is rather drawn out you need to disable sub media types (youtube at the least) then media, then file entity (media v1 comes with it's own entity_file).
Then uninstall media and install v1.
To answer your question:
You might also check and check the display filters for video. The other place where rocketeerbkw mentioned (your content types machine name example: article/book) might be worth a look as well.
If you are keen on fixing the module I'd suggest installing devel and inspecting the elements, it's probably something in a .tpl somewhere.