I have created a content type which has some fields, and I want these fields to be displayed as a block.
I need to display some article like 5 articles from category called sport news only.
how can i do that in drupal 7
Not sure of your exact need, between articles, your content type... Try something like that :
Go to admin/structure/views/add. Fill in the form : Show Content of type article (or Your content type). If sport news is a taxonomy category, tagged with sport news.
Uncheck create page, check create a block, display format table of fields, five items, then continue and edit.
Now in the left side of the form, click on add fields, choose the fields you'd like to display and settings for each field. Give a admin name to your block in Block settings, at the top of the middle column. You now have a block view with 5 items of content type article and the fields you selected.
Go to admin/structure/block, look for the block you've just created, and set the region where you'd like to display it, or click on configure to be more specific, displaying it on specific pages, for specific roles or whatever.
You must install the views plugin. After installing the plugin, you can go to structure-view-add a view to make a list of posts with condition that the content type is of specific criteria and set the display type to be a block. After that go to the block setting and set region the block belongs to.