I have altered a webform by adding a date field in different language like chinese in Drupal 7. But what steps are required to store custom field value in database and retrieving value when webform results are accessed?
I used hook_form_alter()
to add custom date field in the existing webform, but its value doesn't get stored in database. Do I need to add some extra code to store value of custom field in db?
I am sharing my code.
function tekege_grievanceform_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { //print_r($form_id);exit;
switch ($form_id) {
/* for chinese */
case 'webform_client_form_60224':
$form['submitted']['dob'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('出生日期'),
'#weight' => 4,
'#prefix' => '<div class="chinese_dob" id="webform_chinese_dob">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#required' => 'true'
$form['submitted']['dob']['dob_month'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#default_value' => array('month' => '月'),
'#options' => array('month' => t('月'),
1 => t('1 月'), 2 => t('2 月'), 3 => t('3 月'), 4 => t('4 月'), 5 => t('5 月'), 6 => t('6 月'), 7 => t('7 月'), 8 => t('8 月'), 9 => t('9 月'), 10 => t('10 月'), 11 => t('11 月'), 12 => t('12 月'),
'#description' => t('Select month.'),
'#required' => true,
/* for 31 days */
$form['submitted']['dob']['dob_day_31'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#default_value' => array('day' => '日'),
'#options' => array('day' => t('日'), 1 => t('1'), 2 => t('2'), 3 => t('3'), 4 => t('4'), 5 => t('5'), 6 => t('6'), 7 => t('7'), 8 => t('8'), 9 => t('9'), 10 => t('10'), 11 => t('11'), 12 => t('12'),
13 => t('13'), 14 => t('14'), 15 => t('15'), 16 => t('16'), 17 => t('17'), 18 => t('18'), 19 => t('19'), 20 => t('20'), 21 => t('21'), 22 => t('22'), 23 => t('23'), 24 => t('24'),
25 => t('25'), 26 => t('26'), 27 => t('27'), 28 => t('28'), 29 => t('29'), 30 => t('30'), 31 => t('31')),
'#description' => t("Thirty-One Days."),
'#required' => true,
$form['submitted']['dob']['dob_year'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#default_value' => array('year' => '年'),
'#options' => array('year' => t('年'), 1 => t('2013'), 2 => t('2012'), 3 => t('2011'), 4 => t('2010'), 5 => t('2009'), 6 => t('2008'), 7 => t('2007'), 8 => t('2006'),
9 => t('2005'), 10 => t('2004'), 11 => t('2003'), 12 => t('2002'), 13 => t('2001'), 14 => t('2000'), 15 => t('1999'), 16 => t('1998'), 17 => t('1997'),
18 => t('1996'), 19 => t('1995'), 20 => t('1994'), 21 => t('1993'), 22 => t('1992'), 23 => t('1991'), 24 => t('1990'), 25 => t('1989'), 26 => t('1988'),
27 => t('1987'), 28 => t('1986'), 29 => t('1985'), 30 => t('1984'), 31 => t('1983'), 32 => t('1982'), 33 => t('1981'), 34 => t('1980'), 35 => t('1979'), 36 => t('1978'), 37 => t('1977'), 38 => t('1975'),
39 => t('1974'), 40 => t('1973'), 41 => t('1972'), 42 => t('1971'), 43 => t('1970'), 44 => t('1969'), 45 => t('1968'), 46 => t('1967'), 47 => t('1966'),
48 => t('1965'), 49 => t('1964'), 50 => t('1963'), 51 => t('1962'), 52 => t('1961'), 53 => t('1960'), 54 => t('1959'), 55 => t('1958'), 56 => t('1957'),
57 => t('1956'), 58 => t('1955'), 59 => t('1954'), 60 => t('1953'), 61 => t('1952'), 60 => t('1951'), 61 => t('1950'),
'#description' => t('Select year.'),
'#required' => true,