I'm using the revisioning module to handle the status of nodes. As far as the nodes go, they've been working perfect and the work flow is exactly what I want. However, I'm running into an issue when trying to construct a view.
What I'm able to do so far:
- Create the view
- Set the node type
- Limit it to only nodes that have pending revisions
- (I get the two nodes with pending revisions (an unpublished rev)
- Get the nid of the node
Where I'm having issues:
- I try to select the vid of the pending revision, but instead I get the vid of the currently published revision.
I'm not sure where to go. I've tried using "Type: Content" and "Type: Content revision" and get the exact same behavior. I've tried playing with Relationships and still get the same behavior, but I don't think a relationship touches what I need.
... This is incredibly irritating because I'm obviously getting the pending nodes that I want, I'm just not getting the vid for what's pending (which is what my filter uses to get those nodes in the first place) and instead getting it for what's published.
I can imagine there might be some headache because it's possible to have multiple pending revisions, in that case, I should see two lines for that one nid since nid and vid /should/ be unique.