It's possible to create a cron that trigger the submission of a form ? To be clearer, when my drupal cron is executed, this form will be submitted automaticlly ?
This is an explantion for what reson is the cron :
Im using apachesolr for indexing articles in my website, some times it happen that some editors in the site delete articles, but the problem, these articles still exist in apachesolr... and when solr try to index again, the hole website crashes !!
so that's why I need to find out these deleted articles and delete them from solr indexing also... this module do exactly what I need : apachesolr_integrity
this module add a new submission button in apachesolr configuration page : /admin/config/search/apachesolr
to Delete orphaned nodes..
But I don't need every time the site crashes, I click on this form button, maybe the site administrator is not available that time, and the site still breaking :(
I thought about cron to do this this, and also if it can be made with rules, it will be a better solution because with rules I will tell system to directly delete Orphaned nodes when a content has been deleted, and with a cron, the site can still crashed until the next cron execution..
Anyway, the question is how can I add the code made by this module in either a cron or a rule.
Thanks in advance