I have drupal 7.14 setup installed with views module. Whenever i am trying to access "admin/structure/views" the site goes into redirection loop and not opening the views setting page also same behavior is showing for Linkit Profiles settings page.

I can add views by directly calling this url "/admin/structure/views/add" but not able to edit as they are not listing but i need to know why the views settings page not showing.

Solutions which i already tried:

  • Uninstalled views module and again installed.
  • run update.php
  • cleared views cache from database

But it doesn't give me any result any guesses why this is happening.

2 Answers 2


Five things I would check:

  1. .htaccess rewrite rule?
  2. Faulty alias? Check the table url_alias for any entry that contains admin/structure/views.
  3. Redirect? If you have any redirect modules installed (globalredirect, redirect), check if there is a redirect set for the path in question.
  4. Otherwise check the table menu_router, look for the path in the path column and see which function is set in the page_callback column. In D7 with Views 3 this should be ctools_export_ui_switcher_page.
  5. Check your servers access and error logs to see if there's anything suspicious.

Do you have jQuery Update module installed? I recently had some issues when editing views due to using a version of jQuery (1.9 I think) set by the jQuery Update module. What fixed it for me was installing the dev version of the module, which gives you the option of specifying a different version of jQuery - 1.5 in my case - to be used solely within the admin theme while at the same time using the more recent version for the rest of the site.

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