I've got a node that has a deadline date field. I am configuring a view that shows a list of all the nodes.

If we are past the deadline for a given node, I want to show "closed" text. If not, I want to show a link that says "Apply".

I suspect that I may have to use views_php but I'm not sure exactly how to do this, and I also want to make sure there isn't another way to do it without the performance hit of views_php.

1 Answer 1


There are three ways to do this kind of conditional logic:

  1. Use the views_php module
  2. Make a views field template
  3. Write a views widget (or formatter, or something - what is the correct terminology?)

I ended up taking a bit of a shortcut and going ahead with views_php for now. I'm never going to be dealing with more than a few hundred rows, so I'm not to shaken up over the poor performance of views_php.

This module is pretty easy to use. Add a "Global: PHP" field. I found dpm( $data ) and other variations to be very useful.

  • 1
    Really though, it's just as fast if not faster to put a global text field and override it with a field template. Better performance and no need for views PHP.
    – leexonline
    Commented Mar 13, 2014 at 20:15

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