Creating a related content block on a node reference field. I have two content types: Article and Author.

The content type Article has the field Label: Por 'field_autor' which is a node reference to an author node.

I want to be able to take that ID and lis other articles with the same NID.

The view is setup as such:

  • Format: HTML List
  • Fields: Title
  • Filter: Published;
  • Type (Article)
  • Order: Weight

Advanced Options

  • Contextual Filters: (field_autor) Content: Nid
  • Relationships: Content: Por (field_autor) - reverse

However, this isn't displaying articles with the same author. Looking for assistance!

1 Answer 1



There are some decent explanations on the internet

  1. http://www.webomelette.com/related-content-block-views-drupal-7
  2. http://www.webomelette.com/related-content-views-taxonomy-drupal

As well the eva module was suggested as being helpful in my situation, but I haven't tried it yet

Currently, this is still an issue for me.

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