I am looking for a mechanism to Log into Drupal system without a Password and only with some link provided.
My Use case is: Intranet system (made with ASP) passes the Link like: http://example.com/user_name=jhilke&[email protected]&user_role=developer&TY89823jjkhds234.
To break down the above link separated by &
- URL: http://example.com
- USERNAME: user_name=jhilke
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- USER ROLE: user_role=developer
- HASH: TY89823jjkhds234
Now I need to Log in the User or Create new User (if the user doesn't exists) in Drupal site with exact Username and Role but with just the link and no password.
I have used this URL Login module so far to login to Drupal site without password and with some hash/encrypted key it generates. For eg: The link that URL Login module creates is like http://example.com/l/YUb&8767GUYuiu and logs in the user exactly as the role they are assigned, but it doesn't satisfy the other criteria like username and roles in the link.
Is there any way I can achieve this.