I am using Drupal 7.
When I am running cron manually as an admin, I get white page. When I am looking at the dblog report immediately after trying to run cron, I always see the following notice:
TYPE job_scheduler
DATE Monday, March 17, 2014 - 00:15
USER Guest (not verified)
LOCATION http://www.site.com/admin/reports/status/run-cron
MESSAGE Finished processing scheduled jobs (0 sec s, 0 total, 0 failed).
It is also strange that the user of this activities is "Guest (not verified)" and not Admin.
Yesterday I made alot of changes and installed some performance module as the boost module, file cache module and advagg module. But I always run cron after installing a module.
After few tests and enabling/disabling modules, it looks like that the problem is the filecache module
Can someone help me solve this issue?