I need to upload the audios and videos on server in a specific folder via FTP and then let the content managers to select them when they want to upload any of them in add/content
path (because it takes a long time to upload them via the Add Content user interface). Is there such a capability in Drupal 7?
1 Answer
Best option is to use https://drupal.org/project/imce_filefield This is specially made to upload files to sites/default/files and add them.
Just configure imce and the field.
Uninstall file field sources, because it's not compatible to have them at the same time
Old anwser
You could use the FileField Sources module. To browse the server it looks like you need to use this with IMCE. From the FileField Sources project page:
The FileField Sources module expands on this ability by allowing you to
select new or existing files through additional means, including:
Re-use files by an auto-complete textfield
Attach server-side files uploaded via FTP
Transfer files from a remote server (cURL required)
Select existing files through the IMCE file browser
This question / answer was on another question: Image Field Browser Option
I had to upload the file by imce, to get it seen, but there are some patches which can allow file field source + imce to see all file even if not uploaded with imce. I noticed some patches but patches aint so nice. EDITED ANSWER– d1m5nCommented Mar 26, 2014 at 18:00
word in my question? I'm talking about videos and audios