I have a View that displays a list of all the content types, with price as one of the fields you can sort and filter by.
However, the client wants to have some items show up without a price, i.e something like "Price on demand" / negotiate.
Therefore I want to replace '0' value to show up as that text (translated for other languages), how would I best do this?
I use some exposed range filter in my view but couldn't see any extra functions to replace values of field items with strings etc.
I would need it changed in the View as well as the items' individual page (and generated PDF file, but that part I can do)
EDIT: I have Better Exposed Filters, but after setting the replacement as:
0|Price on demand
It didn't seem to work or do anything. However my views uses a template, and I output the price by doing:
print render($content['field_price']);
So I would first need to check if $content['field_price'] value is 0, then output my text string? Ideally I would prefer using some settings that can handle replacing the value for me.