So I am new to Drupal 7, just so you know.
Here is my problem:
I created a view displaying all registered users ("members"). Following a tutorial, I managed to display their user pic, name, date joined and amount of posts. The latter was done using aggregation and the relationship filter "User: content authored".
All works great in the preview and real view, but only for the Admin role. When I log out and try it as a fake member I created for testing, the members with 0 posts don't show up.
I have searched for an answer for hours now and have fiddled with filter settings until I am blue, but no luck.
ETA: I have found that some people have had luck using the Views Field View Module. I tried it, setting up a new view for the post counter and then adding it to the parent view, but now I am getting the same post count for all users. Don't know what I am doing wrong...
Please can anyone help?