I have a question concerning Multiple Taxes with multiple content types in Ubercart 3 on Drupal 7.

I have 2 different tax rates:

  • 8%
  • 2,5%

and 2 content types or product classes

  • Products food
  • Products accessories

I want to apply the tax rate 8% to product accessories and 2,5% to products food and I woked around "Conditions" in order to do that, but, when I complete the order form my cart and go to checkout I obtain something like that:

Subtotal: 29.00 CHF
Colis Standard: 10.00 CHF
Subtotal excluding taxes:39.00 CHF
TVA 8%: 2.32 CHF
TVA 2,5%: 0.06 CHF
Order total: 41.38 CHF

In this case (above) in my cart I have just one item of product accessories ( with an 8% TVA ) and nothing else.

If, on the other hand, I buy one or more items for product food I get this:

Subtotal: 9.00 CHF
Colis Standard: 10.00 CHF
Subtotal excluding taxes: 19.00 CHF
TVA 2,5%: 0.23 CHF
Order total: 19.23 CHF

No 8% VAT was included in this case...

If I change weight of tax rates, on the contrary, I obtain this:

Subtotal:   9.00 CHF
Colis Standard: 10.00 CHF
Subtotal excluding taxes:   19.00 CHF
TVA 2,5%:   0.23 CHF
TVA 8%: 0.02 CHF
Order total:    19.24 CHF  

My question is: How can I apply related Tax Rate to each line item of the cart/order based on content type or product class?


my product accessories: 10 CHF + 8%

my product accessories: 5 CHF + 2.5%

my other product accessories: 13 CHF + 8%


I hope I explained myself.

Thanks in advance!!


Ok, I guess I found the solution... I had to uncheck "Tax" checkbox in Taxed line items Thanks anyway!


  • can you give me the exact name of the module? thank you
    – Djik
    Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 13:16
  • Hi, the module is the one provided by default with Ubercart 3.0 Package and it's uc_taxes. It wasn't necessary to install anything else but just work around module settings. Commented Jul 11, 2014 at 12:59


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