I would like to ask about some ideas about following issue:
I have a content type - answer, that can be created and edited (not deleted) by users. From time to time, for any reason an user can delete all text inside node, thus completely destroying it.
I do not want to be informed about every subtle change in node, but I certainly want to be alerted and possibly approve, if there is a major change in node's content.
So the requirements are:
- detect negative change + restrict user to publish changes + alert admin for approval
1) Count words in node and compare it to word count in node's revision. The word count may be saved inside a field in node and after compared by rules.
2) As suggested by @T-34, use custom module
I found some modules but none of them gives the ability to figure out the difference percentage and use it with rules:
https://drupal.org/project/trevi - suggested by @T-34 gives me an error + it seem s to work only on node edit page.
Thank you for ideas.