I've uninstalled the Commerce Coupon 7.x-2.0-beta3 through the admin ui and removed the corresponding folder from the sites/all/modules directory. Now when I install the previous version of Commerce Coupon 7.x-1.0-beta7 I get hit with the error.
Table <em class="placeholder">commerce_coupon</em> already exists.
When I look at the Database in phpMyAdmin I see the the following references.
- commerce_coupon
- commerce_coupon_type
- field_data_commerce_coupon_order_reference
- field_data_commerce_coupon_reference
- field_revision_commerce_coupon_order_reference
- field_revision_commerce_coupon_reference
I am not very familiar working with tables through SQL. Is there a basic procedure or query that is commonly used for deleting all references to a particular Drupal module?