I am trying to learn Drupal, and getting stuck every hour. I wish someone could walk me through this. I am trying to create a Employee-Company relationship. I have created a Company Content Type with just Name, Address and Telephone Numbers. And a Employee with Name and an Entity Reference to Company and multi-value Term Reference to skill set.
Now in my page skill/[whatever_the_skill_may_be] - I get a list of Employee. This happens automatically. Now I want to show the Company information along with each employee, but surprisingly can't seem to do this easily. I get the Company name which can be linked, but not the address or Telephone number.
Some of the pages I searched for the answer seem to suggest creating a View for this. I am not sure if I really need to, for such a simple requirement. But even if I do so, how do I override the default view of skill/[whatever_the_skill_may_be], and also the employee/[name-of-employee] page, where I would like to show the company information?
I hope I am not asking a stupid or very obvious question. Thanking u in advance,