I tried this question: Empty view is rendered even though there is no result
And it didn't work
I have a view of Judge nodes that displays using a contextual filter. Inside that view I have embedded a view block into the header that displays a Featured Judge, passing it the contextual filters and left 'Display even if no results' unchecked. In the Featured Judge view I have set it to not display empty fields. Also I have added a filter to a field as suggested in the question above.
Still I get the following output in the views header:
<div class="view view-featured-judge view-id-featured_judge view-display-id-block view-dom-id-0cfff43385fef2dba170ae09d3f818cf"></div>
I have dpm'd the views array in preprocess view, and results is empty. I have set it to NULL and it still displays. At present the only solution appears to be to check if the results array is empty and if so add a class to display: none; which is frankly ludicrous.
Anyone have any ideas?