I have a form which a user can create data with and some of the fields are date fields which use jQuery datepicker.
The form is long and in order to help the user out, I have a series of help messages which appear when the relevant form input is focused.
When a form element is given focus, the form's ID is grabbed and attached as a class to the help div, which reveals the correct help message.
Example: jsfiddle - caveat in a moment
This works in the jsfiddle, however in Drupal it breaks. On click the calender opens but rather than selecting a link it hits the local hyperlink "#" below it and changes the url to
The problem appears to be related to how the Drupal date jQuery module deals with Datepicker. I've narrowed it down to something to do with $(this).attr('id')
, it doesn't like the that selector but I'm unsure as to why.
Full Script
Drupal.behaviors.jobhelpAddClass = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
var jobHelp = $('#jobhelp').children();
$('input, select').focus(function() {
$(jobHelp).attr('id', $(this).attr('id'));
I've tried with document ready instead of Drupal behaviours and it still breaks. I've also tried getting focus to call a function (with the same code), however neither works.